Sound Healing
Sound Healing involves using sound vibrations to relax your mind and body. Sound can shift frequencies from low energy such as guilt and fear to higher vibrations of love and joy. Sound healing uses instruments like crystal singing bowls and tuning forks to release energetic blockages inducing a state of ease and harmony in the body and the mind. There are many types of sound therapy, all of them produce vibrations that alter your brain waves. Sound therapy is a clinical and evidence-based therapy used for dealing with mental health issues, such as anxiety, pain and sleep disorders. These issues are usually caused by high levels of tension and stress. I incorporate sound healing into my Restorative Yoga classes and offer private and semi-private sessions.

Rest & Restore with Silvia.
Benefits of Sound Healing
Sound healing can help you clear energetic blockages and facilitate healing on a physical and mental level. Some of the benefits of sound therapy include:
lower stress levels
fewer mood swings
lower blood pressure
lower cholesterol
improved sleep
Over the years, sound healing has also been used to treat a number of conditions including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism, and dementia.